The efAA project has been selected by the European Commission's Innovation Convention for the “Innovation Showcases” featuring interactive demonstrations of exciting new ideas.
The efAA project has been selected by the European Commission's Innovation Convention for the “Innovation Showcases” featuring interactive demonstrations of exciting new ideas.
This is an excerpt from the France 2 Television National news Broadcast from May 8, 2013, that includes some nice coverage of the iCub and the work of Peter Dominey's group at CNRS INSERM, as part of the EFAA project.
Demosntration of the new sensori-motor abilities of the iCub robot developed within the EFAA project.
This work is submitted for publication in the proceedings of HRI2014.
The ICT 2013 conference hosted thousands of scientists, academicians, and specialists that for 3 days discussed questions related to innovation and research.
As one of the EU projects participating in this impressive ICT event...
We are happy to announce that the efAA project will have an exhibition stand at ICT2013 in Vilnius, 6-8 November 2013. This is a great event to showcase the prototype of the efAA social robot.
In the great set up of the Living Machines exhibition at the Science Museum of London the efAA project presents "Dancing with Robots".
To see a humanoid robot interact with humans through music and dance gently over the notes of "Casta Diva" captures the attention and imagination of children as well adults in a very positive way. This is exactly what happened at the "Fiesta de la Ciencia y la...
Can a robot communicate emotions? In this video realized in collaboration with with SPECS at UPF in Barcelona ( and artist Behadad Rezazadeh, the iCub robot appears at ease in a beautifully choreographed scenario of music and lights. The iCub seems to be playing along with the...
Has the iCub robot mastered language yet?
The EU funded project efAA has successfully developed an “artificial neuronal network” that allows the iCub to learn and understand new sentences containing new grammatical structures....
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